Congressional Gold Medal!

It’s official! On February 1st, President Joe Biden signed the bill into law that awards the Congressional Gold Medal to the soldiers of WWII's secret Ghost Army unit. The Congressional Gold Medal is the highest distinction Congress can bestow, signifying national appreciation for distinguished achievements and contributions by individuals or institutions.

Our sincere gratitude goes to historian Rick Beyer and the Ghost Army Legacy Project for their seven year campaign to honor the soldiers of the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops and the 3133 Signal Company Special. The unit, comprised of artists, used costumes, decoys, phony radio transmissions, and other forms of deception to outfox the enemy. The existence of the Ghost Army was top secret for more than 50 years until the information was declassified in 1996.

Jim Steg - Job (Ghost Army Tank), 1992

You can learn more about Jim’s service in the Ghost Army here, and view a selection of watercolors and sketches he created during the second World War. It is evident that the experience had a lasting impact on both his life and his art.